In Home Vacation

With a growing family of three young children ages 5, 3 and a newborn baby, Connor Browne and Christina Price said goodbye to traveling. Instead of planning family vacations they partnered up with Carlos Kinsey of Kinsey Architecture to design an indoor/outdoor resort in their Santa Fe, New Mexico home. Complete with a NanaWall operable glass wall system that creates a seamless transition between the indoor and outdoor spaces which includes a fire pit, an outdoor BBQ, and a pool designed with black plaster to mimic the skies reflection, the young couple created an impressive pool house suitable for year-round use.

Architect Kinsey, who has worked on projects all around the west coast of California, says “This outdoor pool house is based on the architectural style that uses all natural materials, including stone, heavy timber and adobe.” Featured in SuCasa’s Southwestern Homes and Living magazine, Kinsey continues to say that “this project incorporates all of the natural and spiritual elements: fire (warmth), water (life), earth (stone), and wind (shelter).” After vacationing in numerous places and bringing in an inspiration from each location, the pool house symbolizes and represents Connor and Christina’s time spent traveling. With friends and family coming over three times a week, the family is always ready and prepared to entertain. The heavy wind and snow during the winter months didn’t stop the family from using their pool house; “the family has successfully celebrated Christmas in their pool house with a massive tree that only the NanaWall system could bring in”, says Kinsey. With heated tiles, a fire pit, and weather resistant doors, this pool house never takes a break and allows for a year-round indoor/outdoor vacation spot for the family.

Kinsey, impressed by the NanaWall system adds, “It was my first time using a NanaWall system and I loved it! The delivery arrived on time, undamaged. The installer flew in from Denver and was pleasant to work with […] we used a very small floor-threshold so when open, the NanaWall system really feels like one continuous space. I don’t know of any other products that can do that.” He concludes by adding “With an 8 ½ foot tall glass system that was 30 feet wide, you would think the NanaWall system is difficult to operate. It’s actually just the opposite; it’s very easy to use.”