Insect Screening

Retractable screens for glass walls

Durable Privacy and Insect Screens for Glass Walls

For environments that require seasonal bug control or if added privacy is desired, screen accessories are available to complement our folding and sliding glass wall systems. Available from Wizard Screens and Genius.

Fully Retractable Screening for Blended Spaces

Large spans present a unique challenge — how to enjoy the unobstructed view when the space is completely open while also being able to move inside and out without letting insects inside.

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The Horizon Screens Auto-Stop to Open at Any Width

With Horizon Screens, homeowners gain full control with the convenience of unlimited stopping points. Automatically stops when the handle is released.

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Pleated Screens Flexible Finish and Style Options

ZigZag Pleated Screens or Sheer Screen Classic from Genius are other options.

Explore What is Made Possible with Screens

The screen frame is built using high grade aluminum and can even retract into the wall cavity, making your screening even more discreet and streamlined.

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