Home Workspace Solutions: Interior Moving Glass Wall Partitions

interior moving glass wall partitions for home workspace

Home improvement is subjective to every homeowner, but it is safe to assume we are all looking for effective, long-lasting solutions to accommodate the newfound need for a dedicated home workspace. Our dwellings have evolved into multifunctional structures where working, schooling, entertainment, and fitness can all be accomplished under the same roof. The need for separation has never been more paramount. But before declaring open concept layouts a thing of the past, let us instead explore a flexible design solution that can achieve this much needed separation without sacrificing the collective benefits of open concept design—interior moving glass wall partitions.

Home Workspace and the Need for Separation

Turning the dining table into a temporary home workspace for answering emails, browsing the internet, or completing homework assignments no longer meets the demands of today’s household. From homeschooling to remote working, these day-to-day activities are reshaping residential interiors as we seek dedicated workspaces rather than temporary solutions. Does this mean the end of open concept design? Not necessarily. The coveted health and wellness features promoted by biophilic design principles, as well as space maximization attributes of open concept layouts, can still be attained with interior moving glass wall partitions. These operable glass systems can close off spaces on the fly while offering privacy, sound attenuation, and transparency.

Home Workspace Solutions Interior Moving Glass Wall Partitions

Reimagining Open Concept Design

Open concept design centers itself around maximizing space and flushing interiors with natural light and fresh air circulation. As a preferred component of biophilic design and promoter of health and wellness, not to mention an increased sense of space, the benefits of open concept will remain favored for a while. However, as enclosed dedicated home workspaces are needed, how can open concept design adapt? If we look at modern-day office design, interior moving glass wall partitions are increasingly replacing solid walls due to their ability to rapidly reconfigure spaces based on the daily needs of employees. This same flexibility can be adapted at home. Having these dedicated distraction-free areas increases productivity, ensuring every member of a home is completing their tasks effectively.

interior glass wall partitions into sunroom home office

Photo courtesy of Compass

A Quick and Flexible Solution for a Home Workspace

Interior moving glass wall partitions allow spaces to maintain an open concept layout when opened and can immediately create private enclosed spaces when closed. Innovative engineering allows panels to effortlessly glide on stainless steel tracks facilitating one handed operation. Having the flexibility to transform areas into multipurpose rooms eliminates the need to undergo costly renovations or additions. A living room, dining area, or even a sunroom can easily be closed off and utilized as a homeschooling space or home office during the day and opened back up for its intended purpose at the end of the workday. Better yet, moving glass wall partitions offer valuable transparency that allows parents to work in one room while keeping an eye on kids working in an adjacent area.

Interior Moving Glass Wall Partitions

Photo courtesy of Contemporist, Photography by Eric Roth Photography

Retaining Visibility and Transparency with Interior Moving Glass Wall Partitions

NanaWall interior moving glass wall partitions have been engineered to meet the day to day needs of residential spaces, whether they be folding or sliding. With slimmer frames or no frames at all, glass walls not only retain visibility but give off a sense of openness as they enable light to reach all spaces within. The ever-improving nature of NanaWall systems have led to innovative enhancements for interior applications like sound attenuating glass walls and frosting for increased privacy.

NanaWall interior moving glass wall partitions

Sound Control Solutions for Productive Interiors

Sound control solutions are a must to keep distractions at bay and to create effective workspaces. NanaWall interior moving glass wall partitions can reach sound attenuation ratings of up to STC 45. When it comes to understanding STC, the higher the rating the greater the sound attenuation capabilities of the interior partition. For seamless transitions in residential settings, trackless or barefoot friendly systems are available, providing clean aesthetics and unobstructed egress and ingress—you would never know an operable system existed there at all. To maximize usability, interior moving glass wall partitions can be configured with swing doors.

Interior moving glass wall partitions

Photo courtesy of NWMLS

Final Thoughts

Interior moving glass wall partitions deliver flexible solutions for creating multifunctional rooms within our homes. A dedicated home workspace is attainable without having to surrender the biophilic benefits of open concept design and without the need for costly additions or renovations. The flexibility of converting interior spaces within seconds provides homeowners with the utmost in space maximization. The idea of underutilized space becomes nonexistent.

Learn more about how you can leverage NanaWall interior moving glass wall partitions in our applications gallery!