I Love NanaWalls in a Hurricane

Some of our customers actually enjoyed watching Hurricane Sandy from inside the comfort of their home, through their large glass doors. Because of their NanaWall system, they didn’t have to worry about water infiltration or wind damage. Klaus Burgel of Westport, MA says, “The Nana wall is working great. I have spent quite a bit of time in the "Barn" over the last few days watching "Sandy". This window is a real treat! Easy to operate and energy efficient. Better than watching TV.” Brian McMahon wished he was at his Block Island, CT home where he has NanaWalls, instead of in Weston, CT during Hurricane Sandy. His Block Island residence came through without a drop of water inside. “I love NanaWalls in a hurricane. Nothing beats a NanaWall,” he says. Here are some photos taken in Rye, NY after Hurricane Sandy. As you can see, there are absolutely no storm damage issues, the NanaWalls performed great.

Were you stuck in Hurricane Sandy? Tell us about your NanaWall system’s encounter with the storm and how it affected you.