International Women’s Day: 5 Female Architects You Should Know

Los Terrenos by Tatiana Bilbao Photo: Rory Gardiner

Happy International Women’s Day! Today we are honoring 5 female architects making strides in the world of sustainably built architecture.

Tatiana Bilbao, Tatiana Bilbao Estudio

Tatiana Bilbao is a Mexican architect and founder of Tatiana Bilbao Estudio. Bilbao believes that there is an innate responsibility embedded within the act of creating architecture, and it is one she takes seriously. Bilbao has received numerous international accolades for her work. In 2014 she won the Global Award for Sustainable Architecture.

Jeanne Gang, Studio Gang

Jeanne Gang is an architect who is about as prolific as they come: a quick look at the projects section of her website reveals a seemingly full roster of projects already in the works with completion dates scheduled from now until 2022. Aqua Tower (pictured above), completed in 2010, features one of the largest green roofs in all of Chicago.

Tianjin Binhai Library by MVRDV  Photo: Fred Dufour

Nathalie de Vries, MVRDV

Nathalie de Vries is an architect, urbanist, and co-founding partner of the Netherlands based firm MVRDV. MVRDV operates its own think tank conceptualizing “the city of the future”, and is internationally renowned for its designs, including the Tianjin Binhai Library (see image above), which was named one of the best buildings of 2017 by the BBC and Architectural Digest.

Suraksha Acharya, Midori Architects

Suraksha Acharya may be the youngest architect on this list, but if her designs are any indication, we think it’s safe to say that you can expect great things from this up-and-comer. Since establishing Midori Architects in 2015, she has come up with a number of highly innovative designs, including the winning design of the Skyhive Skyscraper Challenge (seen above). The pair of skyscrapers in Acharya’s design serves not only as a visually stunning focal point on what would be Hong Kong’s skyline but are also conceived of in such a way as to reduce Co2 emissions in the area.

Yukon Cottage Development by Dubbeldam Architecture + Design

Heather Dubbeldam, Dubbeldam Architecture + Design

Heather Dubbeldam is a fourth-generation architect, LEED accredited professional and the principal of Toronto-based Dubbeldam Architecture + Design. Her firm won the Professional Prix de Rome in 2016 for its accomplishments in sustainable residential design. As a result of the award, Dubbeldam Architecture + Design is currently engaged in an international research project, studying energy-efficient home design abroad.

Questions about sustainable design and architecture? Go ahead, drop us an email at [email protected]. Happy International Women’s Day!