The Magnificent & Newly Expanded Sill Options of SL60

We want to come clean about something: our company is full of nerds - mostly engineers. As such, we get really excited about certain things that would seem rather strange to most - like our sills. Our sills are magnificent works of engineering, without which our products just wouldn’t be the same (keeping the water out, for one). Sills = performance, and we strive to offer the correct solution for maximum performance, regardless of project, project type, or the conditions under which the system is meant to perform.

Thus, we are extremely pleased to announce that we are now offering five (did you hear that? FIVE) sills for our SL60 and SL80 folding glass wall systems. Sill options include our Higher Weather Performance Sill, Hybrid Sill, Low Profile Saddle Sill, Flush Sill and Surface Mounted Sill. The expanded sill choices provide additional flexibility for meeting the building requirements of a given project.

Here’s a breakdown of the aforementioned sills:

And there you have it, our fabulously generous selection of sill options – making our SL60 and SL80 folding glass systems the best-performing opening glass walls on the planet.

Have questions about selecting the right sill for your project? Drop us a line at [email protected]