Tips and Tricks: Creating the Ideal Home Office

Many people dream about working from home: taking calls in pajamas, designing their own work schedule, having all the essentials 10 feet away. But in reality, they find it’s not as easy as it seems. The at-home business owner often deals with clutter, disorganization, and too many distractions. However, working from home can be both pleasant and efficient if you have an excellent work environment. An organized home office makes for a faster and more enjoyable work day. Here are some easy tips to create the ideal home office.

Have a dedicated work space. It’s important to separate your living environment from work environment. Having a distinct work space will keep stress from overwhelming your home life and prevent children and spouses from disturbing you while working. If you don’t have a dedicated spare bedroom to use as a home office, you can use whatever space is available: the dining room table, a desk in the master bedroom, the corner of a larger room, or the garage. An excellent option for creating a makeshift office space is a flexible glass partition like NanaWall. The panels create a secure acoustical barrier but can be stacked out of the way when necessary. They can also be used in garages, to open to the outdoors for business or to close against the cold.

Ample storage space. The key to creating a clean, uncluttered work space is storage space to hide away papers and gadgets when not in use, especially if the room doubles as both an office and dining space. You want to come to a clean desk every morning. Simple floor to ceiling cabinets are perfect for storing gadgets. In addition, custom built shelves and cabinets like Vitsoe, can be installed horizontally along the ceiling when floor space is limited.

Get organized. Create a filing system that works for you. Organize your files in a manner that makes it easy for you to find them. Find a “home” for everything, and at the end of the day, make sure you file it all away. Another source of clutter is that tangle of wires and cables on the floor. Drill holes in the desk and wrap wires individually to keep them separated and out of the way. Cable wraps and USB hubs like these are aesthetically pleasing and help you keep organized.

A comfortable chair. If you spend hours at your desk in front of the computer, you want to make sure your chair is comfortable and offers the right support for your back. Check out these ergonomic chairs from Herman Miller, specially designed to adapt naturally to every body.

Ample light. An office space with large windows and a strong connection to the outdoors is ideal. Natural daylight is easy on the eyes and creates a peaceful mood. Looking out the window every now and then promotes great energy, as long as you’re not looking out on a busy street. It’s also important to have task lighting, including a great desk lamp like this adjustable arc lamp from David Weeks Studio.

Personalize the space. You want to decorate your home office in a style you find aesthetically pleasing, whether it’s modern or cozy. Certain wall colors can enhance creativity or create a soothing atmosphere. You can also add personal touches like photos of the family or hang awards and diplomas on the wall as motivation. Make sure there are no distractions like a TV in the office and that every bit of available space is used efficiently. The most important aspect of a home office is a space free of distractions and clutter.