NanaWall Knows No Limits

People may not always realize it, but the truth is, NanaWall is basically an unstoppable force. If we say that we are going to get something done, we do.

Case in point: In the photo above you will see a crane transporting a large wooden box. Inside that box is one of our HSW60 Single Track Sliding glass wall systems.

This particular HSW60 system was supposed to be installed in a rooftop bar. There was just one problem: it was delivered to the project site on a day when the building’s elevator was out of service.

But did that stop the NanaWall Certified Installer assigned to this project from getting the NanaWall system to its intended destination? Not a chance.

The installer coordinated with the steel contractors on site to have their crane lift the NanaWall system from ground-level, directly onto the roof.

The HSW60 made it onto the roof safe and sound, and right on schedule to boot.

Here at NanaWall, we recognize that obstacles exist, we just refuse to be delayed by them.

Questions about NanaWall systems delivered via crane? Send us a message at [email protected]