Before and After: Transformations with Retractable Patio Doors

remodel with retractable patio doors

There is something undeniably satisfying about before and after imagery, especially the kind that features effective residential design elements like retractable patio doors. As we embrace the health and wellness benefits of natural light and fresh air ventilation, seeking long-lasting, biophilic design solutions have become priority number one. Opening glass doors not only invite the outdoors in but also maximize the space available by eliminating solid wall barriers and facilitating unobstructed transitions—not to mention the views. The six renovation success stories listed below effectively illustrate how these customizable opening glass wall systems significantly enhance lifestyles with space maximization and a seamless connection to the outdoors. The success of these home improvement stories is great at offering plenty of design inspiration and visualization into how you can also upgrade your home.

Top Six Home Remodels Featuring Retractable Patio Doors

Silicon Valley Eichler Home Remodel

eichler home renovation with retractable patio doors

When this growing family of four purchased this 1449-square-foot Silicon Valley Eichler in a bidding war in 2014, they knew they would need to update and expand to accommodate their new family requirements. Maximizing the space available became priority number one. Central to the strategy was opening the home to the outdoors with the help of NanaWall SL60 retractable patio doors. While keeping the Mid-Century modern aesthetic intact, the dynamic walls offer bright and airy interiors as well as seamless transitions to the backyard. “The folding patio doors open the kitchen on either side—one to the backyard and a big, beautiful roof overhang that creates this awesome indoor/outdoor dining room, and the second opens to the indoor/outdoor play area for the kids,” says architect Megan Blaine.

Read more about this impressive renovation here.

Mill Valley Home Renovation

before and after transformation with retractable patio door

Modernizing this 1940 Spanish Mediterranean home proved to be a valuable investment for this Marin County household. The old layout of the home left the inside dark and closed off by an excessive number of small, divided rooms. To create a more spacious area and bring light into the house, architect Diego Pacheco envisioned an open floor plan that would feature multi-functional rooms and glass installations. Pacheco positioned the dining room at the rear of the house and was able to blend the functions of the dining room and outdoor area together with a four-panel NanaWall SL60. The system was specified with a swing door at one side for easy everyday access throughout the year. The nearly eight-foot-tall folding patio doors allow an abundance of sunlight and natural ventilation into the home, as well as a large entryway into the backyard for outdoor dining and entertaining.

Read more about this residential transformation here.

Brooklyn Brownstone Small Kitchen Remodel

transformations with retractable patio doors

For this New York couple, the only solution that could meet both the husband’s dream L-shaped kitchen and the wife’s priority to maximize natural light was a Kitchen Transition. This configuration combines pass-through windows with a set of folding patio doors. Interior meranti wood frames and oil-rubbed brass hardware offer a traditional counterpoint to the bold, contemporary effect of the clad NanaWall WA67. The solid wood with aluminum cladding ensures performance in cold weather climates alongside energy efficiency. When the retractable patio doors are open all the way, the 200-square-foot terrace seems to straddle the line between inside and out. It offers the family of four a seamless transition to an outdoor living space serving a multitude of activities, including dining, lounging, work, and exercise.

Learn more about this kitchen remodel straight from the homeowner here.

Garage Conversion Yields Luxurious Guesthouse/Home Office

ADU renovation with folding patio doors

What is a garage if not a storage space where items tend to be stowed away and forgotten? This Los Angeles homeowner, however, sought a greater purpose for his underused garage and converted the space into an indoor/outdoor guesthouse and home office. To accomplish this, a wood framed folding glass wall was employed to completely open the space to the outdoors. To fully maximize every square foot of the additional dwelling unit, the folding glass system was configured with FoldFlat® technology, allowing the panels to stack out of and parallel to the opening. The new space offers a bright and airy guesthouse for visitors and a multifunctional space for the homeowner.

Read more about this unique garage remodel here.

Recipe Girl Kitchen Remodel

remodel with folding patio doors

No one understands the importance of a well-thought-out recipe better than Lori Lange, the mastermind behind the successful food and lifestyle blog, RecipeGirl. After purchasing a Tuscan-style home in sunny Arizona, the Langes wanted to customize their new dwelling into the perfect entertainer’s house—with an open and easily accessible living area. Working with their local NanaWall representative, the couple specified SL60 floor supported folding patio doors customized with Low E insulated tempered glass to prevent the notorious Arizona heat from penetrating into the home. “The glass NanaWall opens up to the backyard, bringing in a lot of natural light and allowing us to utilize an indoor/outdoor space for entertaining with friends and family,” says Lori.

Read more about Recipe Girl’s home renovation here.

Folding Patio Doors Maximize Space

folding patio doors in remodel

When a family of four decided to downsize to a more manageable 1,300-square-foot home, maximizing the space in every way possible was vital. The wall between the kitchen and living areas was knocked down allowing the ceiling to be raised and creating a bright and airy open concept space. The wall that connected the home to the backyard was torn down and replaced with 20-foot-wide NanaWall SL70 retractable patio doors that led to the newly built deck. The large opening extends the relatively small house to the outdoors while flushing interiors with fresh air ventilation and abundant daylight. Although the new house is nearly half the size of their previous one, the homeowners feel a large sense of space due to having less furniture and a home that connects to a large outdoor living space.

Read more about this home downsizing transformation here.

Final Thoughts

Successfully depicting the transforming effects of retractable patio doors, these home renovations offer plenty of design inspiration for your next home improvement project. Floor supported opening glass systems are the best for remodels as they reduce construction costs from structural requirements such as header pre-cambering. These flexible openings offer seamless transitions to the outdoors, maximizing the space available and increasing the overall value of your home. Abundant daylight seeping through the opening brightens interiors and facilitates fresh air ventilation. NanaWall folding patio doors are customizable to the needs of all lifestyles and complement every home regardless of aesthetic.

Discover how other homeowners leverage the flexible design solutions of folding patio doors in our extensive Residential Applications library!