2012 Year in Review – 5. Mill Valley Residence Pavilion

Meet the NanaOutdoor Room, a sun room with walls that disappear! Name it whatever you want, Florida Room, sunroom, patio room – the NanaOutdoor room takes the same elements of such a room and enhance it with the ability to open completely. Such operable sunrooms have really taken off in Europe, where you’d least expect it due to the climate. This NanaOutdoor Room is one of the first of its likes to be installed in the United States – and we love the photography. In addition, notice the NanaWall SL60 folding system. The combination creates a double-skin, improving energy efficiency. These were the contributing factors for selecting this Mill Valley residence among the featured projects of 2012, and of course since its in NanaWall's birth place!

The NanaOutdoor room is a complete structure that can be added/extended onto a home – one of the reasons it has become so popular in Europe. Wouldn’t you love an addition like this to your home? I’m already dreaming of all the various ways I can utilize such an outdoor room. Here’s one of them - I love the rain, it’s so mesmerizing! When I was young, I loved being in the rain – I looked forward to the idea of playing soccer or football in the rain, coming home soaked and muddy. Now, I still enjoy the rain, but would prefer to stay dry and warm. I can envision myself sipping from a cup of Nutella hot chocolate while enjoying the view from the NanaOutdoor room, without getting wet! Of course, when the weather is good – open it all up!! The family of this NanaOutdoor room found a unique use case, which they love it for. While the weather is great throughout the year in Mill Valley, California – evenings are always somewhat chilly. During the day, a majority of the year the NanaOutdoor room is completely open. In the evening, with guests over, it can get chilly. Prior to the NanaOutdoor room, the serving and overflow area was outside the pavilion, many guests would complain how chilly it was. Now, the serving area is within the NanaOutdoor room – and many guests prefer lounging in this area! See more photos of this project here! The double skin has also improved the energy efficiency within the pavilion. The family loves soccer, that includes playing and watching it – regardless of when the games may be coming on. Dedicated supporters, they wake up in the early parts of the morning to watch games in the pavilion. Prior to the double-skin and the introduction of the NanaOutdoor Room, the pavilion was cold – freezing! With the double-skin, the family can feel a notable difference when walking into the pavilion!

Read more on the Double-Skin Façade concept here! Click Here or on the images below to see more of this project!

Not happy with our decisions? Think we got it all wrong? Want your project to be photographed? Comment below or email us at [email protected].